
Our Gem of the Week is Quartz

A cornerstone of gemstone energy medicine, Quartz is an indispensable tool in any home’s gemstone pharmacy. This elemental gift from the Earth promotes balance and healing in all aspects of your being. When you place Quartz on any part of your body, its action accelerates the healing process. For these reasons, Quartz is an outstanding therapeutic partner when treating virtually any kind of illness, injury, or distress.

What Makes Gemstones Such Powerful Healing Tools?

Gemstones Embody Healing Energy

Gemstones, with their powerful energies and profound resonance with the human body, are the perfect energy medicine tools. Like other forms of energy medicine, gemstone energy medicine uses the body’s inherent healing force to nourish and heal us in multiple ways. Each type of gemstone embodies a unique energy that can focus and amplify this healing force and produce specific therapeutic effects.

Today, these potent tools for transforming health are being embraced by large numbers of people and have excited the interest of physicians and medical researchers. Gemstone therapies work—both as primary treatments and as complements to other healing modalities. Emotional maladies, mental complaints, and acute and chronic illnesses of all kinds have responded to gemstone energy medicine in unprecedented and exciting ways.

How can therapeutic gems accomplish all this? Physicists tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. Gemstones are certainly no exception. Formed over eons, often at high pressure, the Earth’s gemstones embody intense concentrations of energy. Today, we employ the energetic and physical properties of gemstones in many aspects of technology—for example, we use gemstones in lasers to perform delicate surgeries and in computers to propel information around the globe. Similarly, we can use certain gemstones to focus and amplify the body’s innate energies to uplift our health.

Quality and Shape:
Keys to Unlocking a Gemstone’s Healing Power

Efforts to use gemstones for healing have a long history. In many cultures, ancient and modern, people have sought to uncover the therapeutic powers that lie within the crystalline structures of gemstones. Over the centuries, people’s attempts have met with varying degrees of success and failure. Yet, when using gems for healing, something was often missing. Until recently, we have been unable to discover a systematic way to unlock the full therapeutic powers of gems and to achieve consistent, long-lasting results.

Energy flow in a therapeutic quality sphere Energy flow in a sphere with flaws

Key #1: Quality

To discover why success with using gems for healing was elusive for so long, one place to look is to the gems themselves. Essential to the success of any form of medicine is the nature of its therapeutic tools. To be most effective and reliable, medicine must be pure and high in quality. The purity and quality requirements of the gems we use for healing parallel those of other forms of medicine. Meeting these strict requirements can make or break a gemstone’s therapeutic worth. For gemstone energy medicine to be effective and consistent, the use of only therapeutic quality gemstones is required.

Key #2: Shape

Our research and experience at Gemisphere have also shown that a gemstone’s shape profoundly affects the way it can express its energy—and thus its ability to deliver its healing properties. The ideal shape for a therapeutic gemstone is the sphere. Cutting a raw gemstone crystal into a sphere exponentially increases its ability to reach and heal the deepest, energetic aspects of our being, where the root causes of disease and distress lie. Therapeutic gemstone spheres radiate an incomparable energy that can affect all dimensions of our being, physical and subtle, and hence heal and transform us on multiple levels.

Together, these two concepts—the selection of only the highest quality gems and the use of gems cut into the proper shape—represent a simple, yet seismic, shift in understanding how gemstones can work therapeutically. Proper selection, shaping, and use of gemstones transform them into therapeutic power tools.

Why Necklaces?

At Gemisphere, we have discovered that one of the most powerful energy medicine tools available today is the therapeutic gemstone necklace. Some people might find it hard to imagine that an object resembling ordinary jewelry could affect our health and well-being so profoundly. Yet a therapeutic gemstone necklace is one of the most potent and consistent ways to deliver the healing benefits of gemstones.

When you wear gemstone spheres around your neck, their energies can radiate deep into your entire body and aura, or energetic field. There, the gems work on dissipating the energetic clouds and other blockages that obscure your natural radiance, limit your positive growth, and lead to ill health. At the same time, the gemstones’ energies uplift and nourish all aspects of your being. Thus, a therapeutic gemstone necklace can energize and inspire you, help restore your health, and initiate enduring changes.

Learn More About Our New Gemstones

Clear Topaz
Blue Topaz

White Beryl
Pink Sapphire

Blue Lace Agate
Yellow Sapphire

" This is indeed the therapy of the future. Therapeutic gemstone spheres have the most powerful therapeutic effect I have ever experienced in my life."
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Important Note

The information on this website is for educational purposes only. It should not be considered as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare professional or as a replacement for any medical treatment.

Click the Play Button below to hear an interview on crystals and their healing properties.

Learn More About Many of Our Therapeutic Gemstones.


and the yellow ray loosen your hold on all that no longer serves you, so that you may progress to the next higher state of being. Citrine unwinds tension and increases flexibility in the cells, organs, and body as a whole, thereby encouraging your body to relax and move into greater alignment. Citrine gradually opens inner hearing. It helps you fulfill your spiritual potential by encouraging you to embrace ever-higher states of consciousness.
Lavender awakens you to your true spiritual essence. It gradually aligns and integrates all of your physical and subtle aspects. With improved alignment, energetic blockages are released, life energy moves more freely, and every part of your being becomes more receptive to the influence of Spirit. As energy flows are corrected, old issues rise to the surface for resolution, and confusing symptoms often disappear. Lavender fosters awareness of your inner dimensions as it helps you become a greater vessel for Spirit
Light Green Aventurine
Light Green Aventurine uplifts and strengthens one's most distressed organ by encouraging the organ's healthiest cells to distribute their vitality throughout the organ. Nonetheless, it promotes a much gentler purification of the physical body than Dark Green Aventurine. Light Green Aventurine is recommended over Dark Green Aventurine only for people with a history of intensive drug use, prescription or otherwise, or who have been exposed to toxic chemicals.
Aquamarine Aquamarine
Aquamarine opens your awareness to the inner ocean of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity. It brings deep relaxation and liquidity to your mind and body while heightening your awareness of truth at every level of existence. Aquamarine illuminates the hidden causes of your life situations so that you may better master their lessons. Its youthful essence renews your spirit and nourishes you from a wellspring of spiritual energy.