Hue Meanings
Each color has it's own unique quality or attribute. Use this information to achieve your goals on any level. Whether you want to change the way you communicate or want to create a beautiful living space for yourself. color will impact the outcome.
Red is:
Beautiful, Powerful, Strong, Pioneering, Friendly, Warm, Initiating, Persistent, Patient, Attractive, Originating, and Passionate
Orange is:
Spontaneous, Bold, Daring, Inspirational, Outrageous, Robust, Funny,
Fearless, Adventuresome, Building, and Bouyant
Yellow is:
Happy, Cheerful, Astringent, Intelligent, Shining, Highly Communicative, Expressive, Logical, Purifying, Orderly, and Forgiving
Green is:
Secure, Safe, Expansive, Sharing, Open, Flexible, Connecting, Free, Just, Balanced, Harmonious, and Efficient
Turquoise is:
Clear, Fresh, Focused, Youthful, Imaginative, Transformational,
Clean, Sensitive, Changing, Rarified, New, and Victorious
Blue is:
Tranquil, Calm, Peaceful, Honest, Trusting, Creative, Open, Deep, Faithful, Reliable, and Accepting
Purple is:
Regal, Respected, Admired, Humble, Intuitive, Knowing, Together, Dignified, Valuable, Tolerant, and Connecting
Pink is:
Abundant, Genuine, Responsible, Compassionate, Loving, Mature, Great, The Color of Relationships, Considerate, Adept, Natural
We can invite more color into our lives by putting color around us in an aesthetically pleasing way. We can pick the color or colors by the qualities we want to express in our lives. For example, if we want to be more
adventuresome and courageous, we would pick Orange.
Applying color consciously is the beginning of our taking a quantum step forward in our own health and healing process. Focusing on colors that reflect our inner goals and personality is a good way to begin.
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