
Color can effect how we feel Emotionally

You can choose to put colors on or around yourself to help you 'feel' a certain way.

redRED makes us feel more energetic, outgoing and ready to move forward.
It tends to attract attention. Action, strength, passion, drama, ferocity are feelings synonymous with this color.

orangeORANGE is stimulating. It encourages enthusiasm and zeal. Individuals who wear this color like to smile and to make others smile. It also encourages conversation and a sense of humor.

yellowYELLOW encourages open-mindedness and attention to detail. This is a color often worn by intellectuals, the studious and those who like to be in positions of authority and control. It tends to generate optimistic qualities in those who wear it.

greenGREEN generates an atmosphere that is calm, soothing and balanced. Harmony and equilibrium are qualities of this color. Wearing this color reflects conventionality, security and an appreciation of nature.

turquoiseTURQUOISE encourages clarity in thoughts, feelings, and communication. People who are drawn to wear this color have a refreshing and approachable personality. Youthfulness and sparkle resonate with this colors' special energy.

blueBLUE is a non threatening color and promotes values like loyalty and honesty. Those who wear this color reflect a wish for peace and quiet, and tranquility. Blue promotes trust and is a good color to wear if this is the quality you wish to inspire in your interactions.

purplePURPLE generates feelings of self-respect, dignity and self-worth. It is a royal color and is associated with the monarch, extravagance and wealth. People who choose to wear this color or to put it in their environments are drawn to it's creative and spiritual qualities.

pinkMAGENTA (PINK) is the color of compassion. It generates feelings of softness, gentleness, kindness, affection and love. Taking responsibility for your life and manifesting your dreams resonate with this color's energy.

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